For You: My Notes from Gabby Bernstein's Book "Super Attractor"
I love the time we live in so, so much. The ability to parachute into the lives and minds of others through podcasts, short form content like blogs and social media and of course, books, is like a buffet of yummy insights, brilliance and inspiration. I’m listening to Joe Rogan and Malcolm Gladwell have a conversation right now as I type this. Ever since I can remember, my brain has constantly been hungry for information. My mom subscribed to Newsweek when I was young and I would read every issue cover-to-cover. Today, I listen to 3-4 hours each day of podcasts (lots of multi-tasking time in NYC) and I read quite a lot. I’m currently reading a book about how to not get a divorce (ahem, I’m single). It was written by a divorce attorney who has facilitated 1K+ divorces. I heard the author of the book speak on a podcast and his relationship advice was so good that I had to get the book. I just love insight into the world, relationships, the brain and body.
That said - my brain does this very interesting thing: once I read something, I largely forget it. I’ll read an entire novel and a week later I couldn’t even tell you the title of the book or what it was about. It’s wild. Reading comprehension has never been a strong suit for me. In school I got good, but not stellar, grades and the reason for that wasn’t because I wasn’t smart, but because my schooling was based on reading a book and taking a test. We’ll get back to this in a minute.
I’ve seen Gabby Bernstein speak at events in NYC and instantly loved her vibe. So, I decided to get a few of her books. I started with the most recent, Super Attractor. Whoa. A woman in the coffee shop last weekend commented on how much I was underlining and dog-earing the pages of the book. At least 3 people have asked me about it when they’ve seen me reading it because I’m visibly devouring it. The book is all about manifesting and attracting the life you want. I never got into The Secret or anything, but I do love this stuff. I’m also my own worst enemy when it comes to manifesting because I’m constantly fighting my desire and excitement about manifestation with my fear and old stories. It’s super fun. But each day, each hour, I’m different than the day and hour before. I’m constantly giving myself permission to reinvent and let go of the past. Like most big changes in life, it’s not an overnight thing, but it’s so good and so real.
As soon as I started reading Super Attractor, I could tell it was written for me at this time in my life and I didn’t want to read the book once and then forget 99% of the learnings and inspiration. So while I was reading it, I underlined and circled anything that stood out to me. And once I was finished, I typed up the main lines, quotes and practices that I pulled from it and put them in my Google Keep. (Sidenote: I love Google Keep for keeping lists, ideas, etc.). I wanted this list to be easy to reference and reflect on when I need a dose of Super Attractor inspo. And then I told a few friends about my takeaways from the book and they asked me to share my notes. Happy to! And so here you go. These are in order from the book, but by no means is this a summary of the book. Even if you’re not the type of person who feels called to manifest your dreams, it’s still full of beautiful, uplifting and positive viewpoints for life. For you, with love. Oh, and when you see “Universe” here - that can mean whatever it means to you: God, Spirit, Universe, Energy….whatever Universe means to you is right for you.
Super Attractor by Gabby Bernstein
The instant we realign with love, the Universe responds powerfully. In any given moment, we can change our story and say yes to what we truly want. As soon as we do, the Universe delivers
The key to getting back into alignment is to want it. In an instant, we can forgive our fear and choose again
Have freedom and faith that what you desire is on the way even if you can't see it yet
Life is much easier when you align with the Universe
Are you ready to align with the Universe? Yes!
At any point, you can choose again. Notice the thought, forgive the thought, choose again.
Morning mantras:
My body is rested and clear
I start my day with positive thoughts and energy
I am relaxed, nonresistant and clear
My day unfolds with ease and grace
People support me throughout the day
The Universe supports my desires today
I am open to receiving greatness
I am energized and inspired
Creative possibilities are available to me
Nothing holds me back
I take action with faith and clarity
I am healthy, well and vibrant
Today is a great day
I am having fun today
I bring joy to others
I bring light with me wherever I go
I am a positive influence in the world
In order to truly live as a Super Attractor, we must accept that good things can come easily
The moment we release that resistance and let ourselves feel good, then everything we truly desire begins to come to us naturally. When we feel good, we attract solutions rather than problems. When we feel good, life flows naturally
Feeling good is feeling God. By that I mean that when we feel good, we remember the God within us. Accepting our greatness is the key to being a Super Attractor
You are one with the Universal energy of love and feeling good is your birthright
Take an area of your life where you want to feel better and fill in the blank of this sentence: I recognize I'm out of alignment with (person, thing, situation, belief). I choose to release the outcome and feel good now. Thank you, Universe, for guiding me
All manifestation begins with desire. What do you desire?
The moment you surrender you fear to the Universe, love takes over. Your only job now is to let love come through
Make feeling good a priority and you will be guided
Be more committed to feeling good than you are committed to your old patterns
All your effort to be seen keeps you living in the shadows, denying the light of who you truly are
There's more than enough to go around
We can't have one foot in the world of lack and one foot in the world of abundance
Redirect your focus from what you can get to how you can give
When you ask yourself "how can I serve?" The Universe responds, "How can I serve you?"
Wanting more for others puts us in an energy of abundance
When you see others who have what you want, celebrate it! Let their success mirror back to you what you're ready to receive
The key to manifesting is to feel good
The quickest way out of lack is to lean towards what feels good instead
Do what feels good: cook, go for a walk, dance, call a friend
Shifting from comparison to oneness, from competition to compassion, and from lack to love will bring you into flow fast
What others have is a reflection of what is on the way for you. Celebrate other people's successes generously and sincerely
You don't attract what you want, you attract what you are
An easy way to create more fun throughout the day is to engage in random conversations with strangers (my favorite!)
When we make fun a priority and release outcomes, we can stop complaining and start attracting
Achievement comes from JOY
If you want to manifest more of something, have fun right now with what you currently have
Joy opens invisible doors
Bring joy into the joyless: you are a shapeshifter
Measure success based on how much fun you're having
We must become willing to be unapologetic about what our faith in the Universe means to us
When we meditate, we can transcend the energy of this world and step into a place of love. Meditation becomes a pathway to the light
A prayer to help you align with your higher self: I surrender my fear and allow the voice of my higher self to guide me towards the highest good
The Spiritually Aligned Action Method
Step 1: make sure your desire is backed by inspiration and service. When the desire you're manifesting is aligned with service and inspiration, it is invincible. If your desire brings you joy, then it is backed by inspiration (falling in love, for instance). Write down your desires - the things you want to manifest - and also write down how each of them makes you feel inspired or is of service to others. Take it even further and write down how your inspiration and positive energy will inspire others
Step 2: Believe the Universe will deliver. When claiming your desire, it's important to state clearly what you want and then add "this or something better." Don't limit your desires. Manifesting is a collaborative process - you're not in this alone. The Universe is right there with you
Step 3: Take Action in a place of Spiritual Alignment. Backed by inspiration, service and joy, your actions will be confident and clear. You won't question yourself. You'll know you're on the right track
Step 4: Patience. Patience is a virtue when attracting your desires. when you know that whatever is coming is of the highest good, then you can relax and trust that it's on its way. Patience creates space for the Universe to work though others. You're merging inspiration, service and belief - you are being guided to the highest good for all. Get excited, dream BIG and don't be afraid to believe in your visions
The key to manifestation is surrendering the timeline and not trying to control it. Stay consistent with focusing on appreciation, positivity, taking action in spiritual alignment and trusting that you're not alone in this journey
Turn your desires over to the care of a higher power. Do the work, but trust the timeline
All of your doing can get in the way of your receiving
When claiming your desire, it's important to state clearly what you want and then surrender to it by adding, "this or something better." Always be ready to receive more
Do nothing and let the Universe show you what to do. One of the greatest ways to enhance your Super Attractor power is to step back and trust you're being guided
Be patient, relax and have fun. The sooner you get your ego out of the way, the sooner you receive guidance
The next time you're trying to find a solution out of a sense of urgency or fear, take a deep breath. Remember that you have divine guidance available to you and ask the Universe for help
The more you accept that feeling good is the goal, then the easier it will be to allow well-being to flow
The more you allow, the more you attract
Let the Universe catch up with your dreams
When you have faith in the Universe, it becomes safe to hold big visions even if you can't see them yet
It's not about how hard you push or what you accomplish; attracting your desires is about feeling good and having faith that the Universe is leading the way
When you let the Universe catch up with your dreams, you're willing to be patient. You're willing to surrender your timeline, your agenda and your perceived needs
Honor your fear as a guide back towards love
notice the fear: just notice that it's fear popping up
forgive the fearful thought: it's just a thought, be proud that you noticed it and shift towards feeling good
choose again: ask yourself "what's the best-feeling thought I can find right now" and gently shift your mind that way
When you do this, you acknowledge fear is just a thought and you're not committed to it and you can choose again at any time
Give yourself permission to get excited about your desires and feel your way into the energy of all that you're creating. Know that feeling good is itself a radical act of creation
Above all else: care about how you feel
Caring about how you feel means that you become more deliberate about the words you choose, the thoughts you think, the actions you take
One way to direct your good feeling emotions is to start the day journaling and answering these 4 questions:
How do I want to feel today?
Who do I want to be today?
What do I want to receive today?
What do I want to give today?
The more positivity you put into your life, the more supported you will feel
Give yourself permission to feel good and dream big
Claim that you can be and have what you desire
Love is available to you now. You can resist it or allow it. This is the time to allow.
Continue to make love your priority, believe in the Universe and follow the guidance you receive. It's your choice to live a new life filled with joy, grace, ease and strength. It's your chose to have fun, be well and attract what you desire.
So much love to you, my friends. Are we friends on social media? I'm on Facebook and Instagram. I'm even into LinkedIn. See you here, there and everywhere. xx