Hey there.

Welcome to my blog.  This is a creative space where I document my love of beauty and wellness, adventures in travel and a little life advice sprinkled in.  Thanks for visiting!

- Amy

Product Praise: Atoi Skincare

Product Praise: Atoi Skincare

French women have gorgeous skin.  So when I found the Atoi Skincare line and found out their formulations were made by a family of skincare chemists who moved from Europe to Montreal and base their products on French skin care traditions, I knew I wanted to give it a try.  I love this line because as much as I like to try extreme treatments and products on my skin (*thanks baby Jesus for bullet-proof skin*), this line is super gentle and effective.  Starting with the Soothing Milk and Soothing Toner, which gently but effectively clean your skin to the Eye Cream and Day/Night Creams.  Their line is based on efficacy while also soothing, detoxing and reducing redness.  If you have "angry" skin and want something that's equal parts effective but also calming, I love this line.  

Fall Gamechangers

Fall Gamechangers

Wishing and Worrying Your Life Away

Wishing and Worrying Your Life Away