Hey there.

Welcome to my blog.  This is a creative space where I document my love of beauty and wellness, adventures in travel and a little life advice sprinkled in.  Thanks for visiting!

- Amy

Product Praise: Phace Bioactive Clarifying Serum

Product Praise: Phace Bioactive Clarifying Serum

I discovered Phace Bioactive about a year ago and really love their story.  Founded by Marisa Vara Arredondo (a former Wall Street analyst turned beauty expert), this pH optimized skincare line is based on science and RESULTS.  I've used almost all of her products and love them all.  

I really love her Clarifying Serum because it's multipurpose - it attacks blemishes and has anti-aging and repairing effects.  It's also great if you had breakouts in the past and need to even out your skin and skintone.  


The Magic of Social Experiments

The Magic of Social Experiments

Kat Burki Illume Brightening Serum

Kat Burki Illume Brightening Serum