If You Only Had $4,680 To Live On For Your Entire Life...How Would You Spend It?
Okay, work with me here. What if, from the day you were born until the day you die at 90 years old, you had exactly $4,680 to your name. That's it. You get the money deposited into your account the day you're born and it's up to you how you spend it, but it has to last 90 years. I bet you'd make sure to never let a penny sit in the bottom of your purse and collect lint and get sticky. You'd never let a dollar get stuck under your car seat and not fish for it. You'd never leave a $5 bill in a coat pocket and forget about it. You would hold that money in the highest regard and with so much care, right?
If you have the good fortune to live to 90, you'll live for 4,680 weeks. Weeks. Isn't it wild how $4,680 dollars over a lifetime sounds like nothing, but a 90-year lifetime sounds like an eternity? But it's not. A week is a dollar. A precious, irreplaceable, fleeting dollar. I was recently listening to a podcast with Mike Van Cleave as the guest. He has terminal cancer. He measures his life in days. He's so focused on embracing every second of every day because he knows his are limited. He said what matters the most to him now is spending time on relationships with the people he loves. Listening to him brought tears to my eyes because he has this amazing clarity and intention in his spirit. It really made me think. I don't want to get hit with a terminal diagnosis to really understand how precious time is. I don't want to waste a dollar. It's funny because as much as I really try to live with intention, I also sort of assume every next week will come. Every next month. Every next year. They'll just happen, right?
I'm currently working on my 2018 Intention Setting. It's like New Year's Resolutions without the annoying "lose 10 lbs and give up reality tv" kind of stuff. After hearing Mike talk, I've decided to add a section to my 2018 Intention Setting called "$52" I don't really know what that looks like yet, but I'm allowing it into my soul and sharing it with you, because that's where magic and movement happens.
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