Hey there.

Welcome to my blog.  This is a creative space where I document my love of beauty and wellness, adventures in travel and a little life advice sprinkled in.  Thanks for visiting!

- Amy

The Dirty Secret About Adulthood: We're All Winging It

The Dirty Secret About Adulthood: We're All Winging It

I remember being a kid and looking up at my parents, thinking they had the answer to every question and just sort of knew everything on earth.  Then I remember being in my 20's and looking at people in their 30's and 40's thinking they had it all figured out - money, love, career.  I would dream about the day I would magically just know everything.  What a day that would be.  I'd probably celebrate with a cosmopolitan because that was the classiest drink I knew of at the time. 

And then one day I realized it was all a self-imposed myth.  Just because someone is older or more experienced than you or just because they seem to have it all together doesn't mean anything...we're all just winging it.  I've had the chance to get to know some very successful people and it always shocks me when we really get down to talking.  No one really knows what they're doing, but by the grace of God and following some basic good decision making and trusting gut instincts, everything seems to work out pretty well for most people.  

It's kind of like investing.  You can do a ton of research and spend hours of your life looking at individual stocks and try to have a super smart investment strategy.  Or you can set up a consistent investment strategy with your 401K and chances are, after the years pass by, you'll end up in a pretty similar place financially.  The key to so much of your success in life is just doing something.  

So many of the big moments in my life - multiple cross country moves, starting this blog, career moves, trips around the world, etc....ZERO research.  I just did it and hoped for the best.  And so far it's been pretty amazing.  

So when you look at others, don't fool yourself into thinking they know something you don't or they have resources you don't have or they have a secret password to life.  You are just as good as everyone and someone is looking up at you right now thinking you have it all figured out.  Spread your wings and go for it.  Bet you fly.  

Product Praise: Drybar Detox Whipped Dry Shampoo

Product Praise: Drybar Detox Whipped Dry Shampoo

Life Existed Before iPhones...And I Miss It

Life Existed Before iPhones...And I Miss It